Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hello again!

(Me and my booth at Belmont's Garibaldi Fest) it's been a few weeks since I last wrote, been very busy with two craft shows! The Garibaldi Fest in Belmont, NC and Lunch on the Lawn in Charlotte. I had a blast at both and did rather well too, that is always a plus! :)

In other news...I am slowly starting to transition to all sterling and nickel free metal. It's not cheap lol...but it's worth it! So many people are allergic to nickel and after working with base metal it does tend to show some wear and tear after awhile...

So check out my hypoallergenic page on Etsy

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Hey, I just sold something!

So yesterday I had my first sell in a year!!! Two pair of earrings sold...woo-hooo!! ::does happy dance:: Finally, things are looking up! I also got some really good advice from the Etsy forum...
Etsy seller: RareDaisyJewelry gives some great advice on getting sells!! :) I hope you enjoy!


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Gettin' Crafty!

So a new craft idea came to me...HEADBANDS! I've been making lots of these lately. It's a lot of fun and a little addicting. All you need is iron on appliques, a plastic headband, and a hot glue gun. It's that simple!

I have a spring festival coming up next week...the GaribaldiFest in Belmont, NC and I plan on seeing how well they sell there before posting them online. :)

(I'm getting addicted to blogging. Haha I knew this would happen)

A Brand New Day

Hi y'all and welcome to my new blog. I'm new at the whole blogging thing so bare with me! Well here goes...I'm Casey, from Casey Lea Creations. I'm 21 years old and am an amateur jewelry designer...and yes I'm southern born and have the "southern twang" (notice the use of y'all) haha. I have always loved arts and crafts. When I was little I drew all over the walls (mom wasn't too thrilled), made beach towels into dresses, and always tried to make jewelry out of flowers (weird I know). It wasn't until September of 2007 that I started making jewelry as a hobby because I was bored. lol. Soon people began asking how to purchase my jewelry and Casey Lea Creations was born. I love taking my jewelry to craft shows. It is so fun to watch peoples reactions as they try on your handmade piece of art! I also sell online...last March I started an account on Etsy... it was great at first but then was really slow...I mean SLOW! As in I havn't had a sell since May of 2009...this makes me sad. But I did end up having to close shop for a while to take care of dad...

So anyhoo...I've reopend my Etsy shop put some great stuff up and I'm keeping faith that me and Etsy will work out! :) So I hope you enjoy my blog and the crazy things I have to goal is to keep this bad boy updated once a week (if not a few times a week ::crosses fingers::)

Have a fabulous, blessed day,